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The Oxford Calligrapher

Calligraphy Courses

Corporate Calligraphy


Sip & Script Calligraphy Workshops

Upcoming Calligraphy Workshop Dates:

Wednesday 11th September 7-9pm

Picture of Jane, The Oxford Calligrapher with some wedding stationery

Hi, I'm Jane... award-winning modern calligraphy and engraving artist based in rural Oxfordshire.

I offer modern calligraphy classes both in-person and online. My passion for calligraphy and its wellbeing benefits mean that my workshops and courses provide an excellent opportunity to unwind while trying something new at the same time. My creative coaching workshops are a perfect for corporate teams to develop outside-the-box thinking.

I also work with both private and corporate clients to create stunning, personalised pieces for a range of occasions. From brand activation and PR events to corporate gifting and live calligraphy and engraving at private celebrations,

Get in touch today to discuss how I can help elevate your next project or event with my modern calligraphy and engraving services.

Jane Morton Driscoll, The Oxford Calligrapher

The Oxford Calligrapher

The Oxford Calligrapher is a Small Business Sunday Winner!

I'm delighted to announce that The Oxford Calligrapher has won the coveted award of Small Business Sunday Winner. I was recently presented with my certificate by former Dragon, retail entrepreneur and #SBS founder, Theo Paphitis.

The Oxford Calligrapher is now one of 4500 small businesses that Theo has personally chosen to be part of his community since 2010. He chooses 6 winners every Monday who have pitched their business on a Sunday evening Bia Instagram or X (Formerly Twitter). I was lucky enough to become a winner on my first pitch, where for many it takes a number of attempts to be chosen! It's a real honour to be recognised for the passion and hard work I put into bringing calligraphy joy to as many people as I can.


How Can I Help?

freehand calligraphy engraving on perfume at an in-store event

Corporate Calligraphy

corporate wellbeing workshops & Live event engraving

Modern Calligraphy pen holder and nib

Calligraphy Courses

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The Oxford Calligrapher writing a calligraphy place card

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The Calligraphy Blog

Read The Blog

bright pink wedding invitation suite

Breaking the Chains: Challenging Archaic Wedding Traditions with Empowered Stationery

June 06, 20233 min read

Breaking the Chains: Challenging Archaic Wedding Traditions with Empowered Stationery

As a feminist wedding stationer, I firmly believe in celebrating love, equality, and breaking free from outdated traditions. Weddings are a beautiful expression of a couple's unique journey, and it's time to challenge the norms that perpetuate inequality and reinforce gender stereotypes. In this blog post, we'll explore archaic wedding traditions that couples should break, including the use of gendered language, and why empowered stationery and signage can play a vital role in creating a more inclusive and meaningful celebration.


1. Ditching Gendered Language: gender-neutral wedding invitations, inclusive wedding stationery

gender neutral wedding invitations, inclusive wedding invitations

Many traditional wedding invitations use gendered language, such as "Mr. and Mrs." or "Bride and Groom." These terms, particularly the title "Mrs," are steeped in patriarchal tradition and can reinforce unequal power dynamics. The word 'Mrs' actually derives from 'Mr's' as in 'belongs to Mr...' which doesn't sit well for many women in today's society. By opting for gender-neutral language that recognizes and honors all individuals involved, couples can create wedding stationery that reflects the equality and diversity of modern relationships.

2. Breaking Away from Patriarchal Traditions: feminist wedding signage, non-traditional ceremony ideas

bride and groom feminist wedding signage

Certain wedding traditions perpetuate patriarchal norms, such as the father giving away the bride. These practices symbolise the transfer of ownership from one man to another and can undermine a woman's autonomy. To challenge this, couples can create signage that reflects a more egalitarian approach, emphasising partnership and equal agency. Non-traditional ceremony plans can acknowledge both partners' contributions, breaking away from the notion of one person being "given" to another. Women are not possessions to be handed from one man to another!

3. Rethinking Wedding Party Titles: inclusive wedding party titles, empowering wedding signage

wedding party doing a wedding speech

Wedding party titles like "Bridesmaids" and "Groomsmen" can be exclusionary and reinforce gender stereotypes. Additionally, the use of "Maid" in the title can diminish the autonomy and identity of adult women. Embracing more inclusive titles like "Wedding Party" or "Supporting Crew" ensures that all individuals involved feel respected and celebrated for their unique role in the celebration. These are my two best friends rethinking the tradition of only men by producing the best speech of our wedding day... in song!

By incorporating empowering signage that highlights their individuality, couples can further promote a sense of inclusivity. As a side note, the tradition of having a best man comes from the times when men would have to kidnap brides from neighbouring villages if there weren't enough women to go round in theirs! The best man would be there to help put up a fight if necessary. It's all feeling a bit sinister!

4. Redefining Wedding Roles: feminist wedding stationery, equality-focused wedding planning

wedding signage

Many traditional wedding roles reinforce gender stereotypes, such as the bride doing all the wedding planning or the groom being solely responsible for financial decisions. These expectations limit individual expression and perpetuate unequal gender roles.

By incorporating feminist wedding stationery that celebrates equality and shared responsibilities, couples can challenge these norms. Empowering signage can emphasise partnership and mutual collaboration, fostering an environment where both partners are recognized and valued for their contributions.

Celebrate Love!

Weddings should be a celebration of love, respect, and equality. By challenging archaic wedding traditions through empowered stationery and signage, couples can create a more inclusive and meaningful experience for themselves and their guests. Ditching gendered language, breaking away from patriarchal practices, rethinking wedding party titles, and redefining wedding roles are all important steps towards creating a wedding celebration that promotes equality and challenges gender stereotypes. Let us embrace the opportunity to break free from archaic traditions, honoring diverse love stories and celebrating the beauty of equality in every aspect of our weddings. Together, let's pave the way for a future where all couples can express their love authentically, without the constraints of patriarchal norms.

If you're looking to book a stationer who is conscious of equality and diversity, take a look at my wedding page to find out more and book a call.

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Luxury Calligraphy Stationery and Signage

As Featured in


OX Weddings Feature for Calligraphy Stationery
Article in Oxfordshire Living agazing about one, The Oxford Calligrapher
Love My Dress article from a wedding shoot
Wedding magazine styled shoot feature
Link to The Oxford Calligraphers feature in whimsical wonderland wedding


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The Oxford Calligrapher - Calligraphy artist based in Oxfordshire and operating globally

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