Calligraphy business

Strategy Sessions


Does this sound like you?

• You want to start a Calligraphy business but don't know where to start.

• Your mindset is holding you back and you're not sure how to move forward.

• You’re struggling to grow your audience and not making enough sales.

• You don’t have a clear direction for your business

What if things could be different?

How amazing would it be if you had Clear actionable steps to move your business forward?

Imagine the possibilities for your calligraphy business if you had clear, actionable steps at your fingertips to propel it forward. Manageable steps are your key to unlocking that amazing potential within you.

How amazing would it be if you had greater self-confidence and motivation to keep pushing forward?

Think how it would feel to embrace the incredible confidence and motivation you know you've always needed and witness the positive ripple effect it creates in every aspect of your calligraphy business journey.

How amazing would it be if you knew the systems and processes needed and were ready to implement them?

Imagine the success gained from establishing systems tailored to your business, ensuring you're well-equipped to implement your business goals effectively.

If you’re finding yourself nodding along to all this, you’re not alone…

I recall that feeling well!

As eager as I always was to make my new calligraphy business a success, I didn't always know where to start or how to reach my goals. Running a business by yourself requires so many different tasks and responsibilities, it's inevitable that occasionally you'd struggle to see the wood from the trees.

But this doesn't mean that you have to go it completely alone. What if someone could give your business a professional shake-up?

Small Call to Action Headline

Want to chat before making a commitment?

Book a discovery call below

Which is why I’m soooo excited to introduce:

Calligraphy Business Strategy Sessions

Unlock the full potential of your calligraphy business with our exclusive Power Hour Business Support Session. The Power Hour is designed just for you. During this intensive one-on-one mentoring experience, you'll receive targeted insights, actionable tips, and a roadmap to navigate the challenges and opportunities in the calligraphy industry. Whether you're looking to enhance your marketing strategies, optimise your systems, or explore new avenues for growth, The Oxford Calligrapher is here to provide the support and expertise you need. Seize this opportunity to gain clarity, overcome hurdles, and set your calligraphy business on the path to success.

Here’s what you’ll get when you book:


PRE-Session form

Once you've booked, you receive a form to share everything I need to know to make the most of your hour.


An Hour of Dedicated Time

A whole hour reserved for you with the sole purpose of helping set you on the right path with your calligraphy business.


A Post-Session Summary

I send you a detailed summary of our meeting together with your agreed action points to move your business forward


An Email Check-in

A month after our call I will check in with you to give you some accountability with your action steps! This can be a great motivator to keep you going when it gets tough.


Access to expertise

Instead of scratching your head, make it easier for yourself by learning from my business journey mistakes over the years. This will help you to avoid the pitfalls!

Book now for just £97

Or £242.50 for 3 hours (the third session is half price)

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— Quote Source

“In eget ligula sed nunc imperdiet hendrerit eget id lacus. Mauris ut arcu consequat, pellentesque diam non, rhoncus ligula. Nulla ac ullamcorper nibh.”

— Quote Source

“In eget ligula sed nunc imperdiet hendrerit eget id lacus. Mauris ut arcu consequat, pellentesque diam non, rhoncus ligula. Nulla ac ullamcorper nibh.”

— Quote Source

Still on the fence about it?

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you book and you’re not satisfied, here is what we’ll offer you...

An additional 30 minute power hour session with feedback, free of charge. I want you to feel that your power hour helps you to make some real progress with your business. If you are dissatisfied by the hour we spend together, please reach out and we can arrange an additional 30 minute session free of charge to help to move you forward as you'd hoped


How will I know if we are the right fit?

I'm always happy to hop onto a 15 minute discovery call to help you to confirm you'd like to work with me.

How will the session be conducted?

All sessions will be conducted via Zoom

What specific areas of my calligraphy business can we cover during the Power Hour?

We can cover a wide range of topics, including skill development, tools and materials, pricing strategies, marketing tactics, client management, and any other specific challenges you're facing in your calligraphy business.

What should I prepare or bring to the session?

You will receive an information form to complete before the session. This will help me to understand current business setup, examples of your work, and any specific challenges you're facing. This will enable us to have a more productive and targeted discussion.

©2024 The Oxford Calligrapher